For some time now, I’m more and more interested in the field of self-hosted and homelab. The goal is to host by myself as many applications and softwares as I can in my daily use.
Using virtual machines or docker, I have a server on which I work to deploy my solutions.
Since I didn’t find any wishlist application adapted to my use I decided to code my own. So, while discovering Svelte JS (very adapted to small projects), I created my own wishlist creation PWA.
I then recreated this app using the t3-stack.
This is a simple cli that helps you quickly update your running docker containers to the latest version of the images you are using. It is written in TypeScript and uses Bun to manage the cli.
Dashed is a simple and performant dashboard to access your Homelab services.
Traefik-mhos (Multi HOSts) helps you use a single traefik for proxying multiple docker hosts (without swarm or k8s).
KUWYS : Keeping Up With Your Studies, is a web application for all students in France, developed during a semester as part of our end of year project in a team of 6. The application wants to help these students by setting up a space to share documents (worksheets/courses), organize working groups or ask various questions.